
Tips to stretch your wardrobe dollars-TBdress Reviews

  Today, TBdress Reviews would like to share some tips to stretch your wardrobe dollars. Hope you enjoy it!
  1.Compatible shoes and hosiery - For a work wardrobe, shoes and hosiery are the finishing touch. Purchase quality shoes and take care of them. Shoes that are run down, scuffed and showing wear make you look the same way, no matter how polished and professional the rest of your outfit. Job interviewers have been taught to check out a prospective employee's shoes, and for entrepreneurs, prospective clients do the same thing! If they don't look their best, it will reflect badly on you. When you find shoes that fit well and feel good on your feet, buy several pair in your foundation colors, and two pair of your most often-worn color so that you can give one pair a rest while wearing the other. Avoid fads in shoes and stick with classic designs like pumps and sling backs for women, and wingtips or oxfords for men. Ladies, stick with a heel no higher than 2 ", and no lower than " for ease in walking and a reduced chance of injury.
  2.Organize and categorize - Once you've determined your foundation colors for your wardrobe, you can organize and categorize your clothing for easy selection and wearing. Hang jackets by sleeve length, color and garment length, or combined with matching pieces to create ready-made outfits. Keep similar fabric weights close together to avoid putting a heavy wool jacket over a lightweight chiffon or silk skirt. Put mix-and-match items near their foundation counterparts for easier selection. Move items that need cleaning to a specific area for easy pick up and removal.
  3.Take notes for future use - Whenever you are shopping, take along color swatches of your basic colors and those determined to be right for you. Make a promise to yourself to stay with your correct colors, and keep notes of what basic foundation items you already own. No one really needs 10 virtually identical black dresses or 10 identical black suits! One of the guidelines of Professional Wardrobing is to make sure that any item you purchase must either be compatible with at least two other items in your closet, or it must be a foundation garment that could be combined with other pieces to create many other outfits. In this way, you'll be sure to maximize your clothing dollars and create a terrific wardrobe.
  Enjoy your new fashion at tbdress.com. Also suitable for young teens and little girls. 

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